Search results for: “#3”

  • All the seeds failed, except one

    I’ve been known to cry at the movies, but I don’t think I’ve ever cried over a book … until last night.  I finally was finishing Elsa Morante’s History: A Novel.  It’s another 700+ page novel about WWII.  Vassily Grossman’s 1800+ page, two volume opus (Life and Fate, Stalingrad) has the sweep of War and Peace.  Morante,…

  • They have cast off restraint in my presence. Job 30:11

    In the period just before she entered hospice, I heard Laura ask visitors if they’d heard about the “three kiss-offs” she’d received from her doctors.  An earlier post describes the meetings when her surgeon, radiation oncologist, and oncologist told her that there was nothing more they could do for her,. As I’ve said about many of Laura’s statements, I could be really…

  • Archive of posts by category

    Posts are found under each category in bold.  If you click on the title listed here, the link will take you to that post. Introduction to the themes of these posts Reading and Scribbling. Unfinished houses Reading and scribbling: the story Nouns and verbs Detritus in the road Aristotle gave Herclitus a bum rap Stupid To…